I've been working on a new development VM for work, and decided it was finally time to make the jump to Visual Studio 2017. That's when I discovered MSBuild went to an app-local installation (i.e. it's no longer located in "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild"). This sucks when you have have a bunch of MSBuild extensions that are installed in the global directory.
This is a complete hack, but I have a workaround that keeps the plugins installed in the global location (for backwards compatibility), and works with the new location:
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force
Install-Module VSSetup -Scope CurrentUser -Force
Write-Output "Creating symlinks for MSBuild extensions"
$newMSBuildLocations = Get-VSSetupInstance
Get-ChildItem "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\MSBuild\Microsoft\*" -Directory | Foreach-Object {
$directoryToSymlink = $_
$newMSBuildLocations | %{
cmd /c mklink /D "`"$($_.InstallationPath)\MSBuild\Microsoft\$($directoryToSymlink.Name)`"" "`"$directoryToSymlink`""
What this script does is:
- Sets up the NuGet provider in Windows 10
- Installs the Microsoft/VSSetup.Powershell module
- Makes a call to Get-VSSetupInstance to grab a list of all 2017+ installations on the system
- For each directory in the global MSBuild\Microsoft directory, it creates a symlink in the new location pointing to the global directory
This is only set up for the Microsoft folder, but that's all I needed in my instance. It could be modified to pull from a different folder in MSBuild, or you could provide a list of folders that should always be symlinked in the newer versions.
Hopefully this helps other developers until Microsoft can resolve the backwards compatibility issue!